I've heard from several of you how much my magic lotion is helping your poor hands! If you need any please let me know and I'd be happy to make some.
Without essential oil
4 oz / $5.50 or 2 for $10
2 oz / $3.50 or 2 for $6
With essential oil
4 oz / $6
2 oz / $4
$1 off if you have your own container
Or it's a refill (also: olive oil, almond oil, jojoba, apricot oil, coconut oil all work wonders!)
ALSO- I've made hand sanitizer (made with essential oil + Heritage Distillery's sanitizer)- $4
Panic is contagious.& so is calm.
My advice is to enjoy the moment and live through your hearts! sending you all prayers and positive, healing energy. Life is sweet.
"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." ~Roald Dahl
Some of my favorite recommendations:
VOXX Socks- Excellent to help with balance, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis... !* www.VoxxLife.com
Qi GONG (Qi = Energy, Gong= Movement). I am a bit obsessed with Qi Gong at the moment, it truly helps anything from injured shoulders, or pain anywhere in the body by moving stuck energy and letting go. Check out Spring Forest Qi Gong on Facebook, every morning is a new video. What a great way to begin your day (or end it). Here is a sample video: https://fb.watch/8NbVcs4zc_/ Tapping into your own body and sending it so much loving gratitude and kindness is the best remedy.
Yoga with Kassandra - YouTube
Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
Books: The Four Agreements- by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Secret. AND The Magic- Rhonda Byrne (Books on Gratitude)
The Body Keeps The Score (Brain, Mind, & Body in the Healing of Trauma)- Bessel Van Der Kolk
When the Body Says NO- By Gabor Mate, M.D
You Can Heal Your Life- Louise Hay
Herbally Yours- Penny C. Royal
Breath- James Nestor
Big Magic By Elizabeth Gilbert
Dying to Be Me By Anita Moorjani
The Hidden Messages in Water- Masaru Emoto
Documentary: Heal (on Netflix)
https://www.4ocean.com -Clean up plastic from the ocean with each bracelet purchased.
https://www.dailyom.com -Daily inspirations